Ticket to Paradise
A touching, tragic and at times humorous tale of strong, decisive women who see themselves as entrepreneurs in a globalized world rather than victims of poverty and prostitution.
In north east Thailand lays a small village with two types of families: Those who have a daughter married to a Westerner and those who have not. The first live in concrete mansions the latter in wooden shacks.
Sommai was the first to leave the village.
Now she is back with her Danish husband wearing gold chains around her wrists. Girls flock around her, all hoping that she will help them find a husband, as she has done for many others.
Hand in hand with their mothers they approach her with pictures she can distribute to willing men when she goes back home.
Ticket to Paradise is a touching, tragic and at times humorous tale of strong, decisive women who see themselves as entrepreneurs in a globalized world rather than victims of poverty and prostitution.
They make great sacrifices and take high risks when they leave their children behind and travel half way around the world to marry complete strangers.
I am currently not informed, where you either can watch, rent or buy the film.
Director Janus Metz
Producers Henrik Veileborg & Jesper Jack
Produced by Cosmo Doc
Duration 58 min.
Year of Production 2008 DR Sales